Nov 13, 2018

Why Windows Phones Failed?

Windows Phone in 2018?

Windows is PC market leader but in the smartphones market, it is unable to keep that position. Windows failed in smartphones due to its own mistakes and late acquisition. 
windows phone

Once the windows OS (operating system) in phones was the global leader followed by Blackberry and Symbian OS. But the condition got changed in 2007 after the launch of Apple's first iPhone. 

iPhone came with multi-touch capacitive touchscreen and the ios software was feature-loaded and finely tuned according to that time. On the other hand, Android was open source. It was compatible with numerous devices and was available in every price segment whereas Windows was not open source. Companies had to give some royalty to the windows to use their OS. Also, it ran on the keypad when android and ios adopted touchscreen. The software was boring whereas android and ios look enough modern at that time. They also attracted the attention of developers. One of the reasons for the failure of windows was not getting the good response from third-party apps developers. Because of the less active user, developers were less interested in working with Windows operating system. In this way, the huge market of windows phones went into the hand of ios and Android. 

Windows realized its mistake too late when the majority of the market was captured by android and ios. Last windows phone was Microsoft Lumia 950, launched in 2015 but failed to leave its mark and in providing stability to windows in the smartphone market.

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I hope all my blog visitors easily understand the topic "Why Windows Phones Failed?" in light english.

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